
philly pretzel

Phily Style Breakfast Sandwich

A few months ago I was on Instagram and came across a magnificent idea for a breakfast sandwich. The picture showed a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiched by a soft pretzel. While I make turkey sandwiches and burgers with pretzels as the bread, I’ve never thought to use a soft pretzel for a breakfast sandwich. The idea is genius! Rowhome Coffee in Philadelphia is to thank for this idea. They use a variety of pretzels for breakfast sandwiches including original, everything, and cinnamon sugar pretzels. Since I wasn’t planning on going to Philly anytime soon, I decided to create my own pretzel breakfast sandwich at home– The Philly Style Breakfast Sandwich.

philly pretzel

the details of the breakfast sandwich

The details of my Philly Style Breakfast Sandwich are pretty simple. Grab your favorite soft pretzel (I went to Philly Soft Pretzel Factory), breakfast meat, cheese, and eggs. Maybe even a “dressing” if you typically have some type of condiment on your breakfast sandwich.

For this breakfast sandwich I made a classic flavor combo- bacon, sharp cheddar, and scrambled eggs. The bacon is super crispy and compliments the sharp cheddar well. We all know eggs and cheese just go together, no need to explain why 😂. When it comes to the pretzel section of the sandwich, the salt was perfect and complimented the eggs and bacon. I toasted my pretzel which not only added a crunch, but also made the whole sandwich warm, which I love.

sandwich substitutes

When it comes to breakfast sandwiches there are many ways to spice things up or make substitutions. For example, you can switch out the meat from bacon to pork roll or sausage! The cheese can also be substituted with something like American. Finally, the style of the egg can be altered. Instead of making a scrambled egg, try making an over easy egg or fried egg! The runny yolks will add extra flavor.

Overall, if you aren’t in Philly and don’t have time to go to Rowhome, then you must give this a try. The soft pretzel is a fun way to mix things up from the typical bagel or muffin.

If you make this recipe, please leave a comment below, tag me on Instagrampin it, or go like my page/share on Facebook! Be sure to sign up for my newsletter, 4 Secret Recipes of the Month, for other, never before seen, recipes!

Philly Style Breakfast Sandwich

Tired of the same old bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel. Try a breakfast sandwich with a soft pretzel! The saltiness and extra doughy flavor add a new flare to the breakfast sandwich game.
Prep Time2 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time12 minutes
Servings: 1


  • 1 soft pretzel halved
  • 2-3 eggs
  • 2 pieces of bacon
  • 2 slices of favorite cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Start by scrambling the eggs. I add salt, pepper, and a dash of milk to mine. It is best to let them sit for a few minutes before cooking so the salt and egg can react. After about 5-10 minutes, scramble the eggs. Try to make them like an omelet or keep then in large pieces so the eggs will fit well on the soft pretzel.
  • While the eggs are cooking, start the bacon. You can either cook it on the stove or follow the directions on the package to cook in the microwave. Either way is quicker than the oven!
  • Once the eggs are done, place the slices of cheese on top. Cover on low heat until melted.
  • Next, slightly toast the soft pretzel. Once toasted assemble the sandwich and enjoy!
If you make this recipe, make sure you tag your photo #kneadmorefood


  • 5 stars
    Cannot say enough good things about this sandwich. Everyone RUN and make it now.

  • 4 stars
    Really tasty breakfast sandwich. I want to try it with pork roll or sausage!

  • 5 stars
    So good! Almost like Rowhomes, but honestly better. Only because I don’t have to drive to get it (lol). Seriously though, y’all must make this breakfast sandwich.

  • 5 stars
    Best breakfast sandwich I’ve ever had. Love the use of a soft pretzel. I have never been to Philly, but now I want to go!


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