
ice cream sandwich

Patriotic Chipwich Ice Cream Sandwiches

This Memorial Day, my boyfriend and I went on a 6.5 mile hike. The weather was beautiful, low to mid 70s, sunshine, and not a cloud in the sky. While this hike left us parched, the heat also had us craving a cold, sweet treat. So, when we got back from our hike, we assembled some delicious Chipwich ice cream sandwiches. What better than some cold ice cream on your tongue after a long, hot day outside?! 

ice cream sandwich

Before we left for our hike, I had made my mom’s chocolate chip cookie recipe. I made the dough and instead of rolling it into balls, I put it in a sheet pan. This allowed me to cut the finished cookie out with a star cookie cutter. I always like to make dessert on holidays, and was preparing for our picnic later. In terms of where we hiked, Carter and I went to Lehigh Gorge State Park. It was our first time there, so we didn’t really know what we were doing, as neither of us looked at the trails the night before. We found ourselves on a bike path at first, but were looking for more hiking trails. (If you’ve been to this park, please comment your favorite sections below! I’d love to go back on some hiking trails). We ended up finding some trails, a snake, some waterfalls, and a beautiful view of the river (pictured below).

Once we got back from our little adventure and finished our dinner, Carter and I put ourselves to work. I scooped the ice cream, attempting to make it look perfect (that didn’t happen) and he coated the sandwiches with tons of red, white, and blue sprinkles, placing them in the freezer quickly to ensure they wouldn’t melt. As we waited for the ice cream to be frozen again, we brainstormed some good photography backgrounds. Carter thought of sparklers, which I loved, but we sadly didn’t have any in my house, so we went for the next best thing, the American Flag. 

In the (above) behind the scenes picture, as Carter likes to call it, you can see one of my approaches to food photography. For starters, I sometimes get people to help me, whether they pick up a piece of food or hold the background, like Carter is doing. I give major props to the people who do this as I take a lot of pictures, so they need to have a bit of patience. 

Next, you can see that we are outside. While there are many ways to get good pictures inside, I personally love using natural lighting, therefore I love to be outside. I typically take pictures on my deck or front porch, so the lighting isn’t too strong and therefore not harsh, but since we took these pictures after 8PM last night, we were able to work in the front yard. 

Finally, another thing I do is I like to get creative with what we have at home. Sometimes I use silly things, like sparkling water, to help better my picture and get the background right, other times I just use kitchen props, like this cake stand. There are many ways to use what you already have, you just have to think outside the box a bit!

the details of the patriotic chipwich ice cream sandwiches

These sandwiches are pretty simple. Consisting of just chocolate chip cookies and some store bought ice cream, they can be whipped up in about 20-30 minutes, maybe even less if you’re not particular like me 😉 To start, I  made chocolate chip cookie dough, as if I were making normal cookies. As I previously said though, I put the cookies in a pan, so they would bake as one big rectangle. They only took 11 minutes to bake and had to cool for a bit before I cut them into stars. 

When it came to assembling the sandwiches, I used vanilla ice cream, as well as a mix of vanilla and chocolate ice cream. I scooped one or two large scoops of ice cream onto the sandwiches, to make up for the small cookie size. I then pressed the cookies down a bit so they’d be molded into the ice cream. I then passed them off to Carter, who rolled them in a bowl of sprinkles until they were fully coated. 

During this process, the ice cream will melt a bit, so I recommend putting the sandwiches in the freezer for 15-20 minutes, or until frozen to your liking. 

In terms of the flavor, these sandwiches are like the classic Chipwich we all know and love. Using classic ice cream flavors and a simple chocolate chip cookie recipe, the flavors of this timeless dessert cannot be matched.

Even though we didn’t roll the sandwiches in mini chocolate chips, they still had the same texture from the sprinkles we rolled them in. While the sprinkles may not be as large as mini chocolate chips, they still provided the small crunch that Chipwiches are known to provide. Another thing to note is that rolling the sandwiches in sprinkles gave them a new, delicious flavor. 


chipwich sandwich subsitutes

The beauty of a Chipwich is the variety of ice cream flavors you can pair with it. Specifically, chocolate chip cookies pair well with more ice cream flavors than vanilla and chocolate. For example, mint chocolate chip, black raspberry, and strawberry would go well. Even more specialty flavors like chocolate peanut butter or moose tracks would taste delicious in a Chipwich.

If you don’t like chocolate chip cookies, you can substitute them with your favorite sugar cookie recipe. Sugar cookies also go well with a large variety of ice cream, as their flavor is not overly powerful.

If you are a chocolate lover like I am, you can skip the sprinkles and make a classic Chipwich by rolling the sandwich in chocolate chips. You can also switch up the type of chocolate that goes in the cookie, as in substitute semi-sweet chocolate for dark chocolate, or even a candy like M&Ms or crushed Reeses.

Overall, if you make this recipe, please leave a comment below, tag me on Instagram, pin it, or go like my page/share on Facebook!

Patriotic Chipwich Ice Cream Sandwiches

Turn a classic Chipwich into something fun! From the star cookies to the red, white, and blue sprinkles, this Patriotic Chipwich is full of flavor and has to be your next summer treat!
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time11 minutes
Total Time31 minutes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Servings: 12 people


  • 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 cup butter softened (2 sticks)
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips



  • Preheat the oven to 375° F.
  • In a small bowl, combine flour, baking soda, and salt
  • In a large mixing bowl, beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla until creamy
  • Beat in eggs one at a time
  • Gradually beat in the flour mixture
  • Fold in chocolate chips then spread the dough on a sheet-pan.
  • Bake the cookie for 11 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Cool for 5 minutes, then cut out stars with a cookie cutter.

Sandwich Prep

  • Take one star and scoop 1-2 scoops of ice cream on it, then add another start to sandwich the ice cream.
  • Roll the ice cream in sprinkles or mini-chocolate chips. I always put these in a bowl.
  • Freeze the Chipwiches until ice cream has hardened and you're ready to serve. Enjoy!
If you make this recipe, make sure you tag your photo #kneadmorefood

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